Two things happened last Wednesday. I went for my first covid jab and my birthday boots arrived early, and I decided to wear them straight away because who cares when you're single and you buy your own birthday presents? I'll wear them when I like! You can't see them in all their glory because I wasn't about to start arranging my jeans up my shins and balancing on one leg while trying to keep control of Freya just to get a photo of a boot. Suffice it to say, they're Doc Martens, they're brown, they're super comfortable, and I love them.
So, as I say, I'd just had my covid vaccination, and I knew there would be at least some chance of it wiping me out for a couple of days, so I decided to get in a really quick walk with Freya, somewhere up high where I could see the sky and some mountains. The easiest spot was our old Favourite Place near Jack Sparrow Lane. We were up here with my dad not that long ago, but that bench on the new road commands the most spectacular views, and that's what I wanted to see. You know like when you were playing out as a kid and you knew it was getting close to going in time, so you'd have one last really quick game of something before you got called in? It was like that.
There's a little path that runs parallel to Jack Sparrow Lane so that you can still get to the bench even when the lane itself is boggy and flooded, as it still is. That's how we were able to get to the bench without ruining my new boots in the puddles. For you new readers, I don't know what this little place is called officially, but I dubbed it Jack Sparrow Lane because I happened to be listening to the theme to Pirates of the Caribbean when I tried a walk with headphones (spoiler alert: I decided walking with music in my ears was too distracting when I wanted to concentrate on my surroundings).
I wonder what's going on in this field this year. More corn, do you think? Do they plough the cornfields later? I haven't seen any ploughing going on yet, and I can't remember noticing last year until things started to grow, so I've missed this bit of the cycle. I'll pay attention this time and see what happens.
I'm just looking at the clouds in this photo and thinking that I would like to learn about cloud formations next. I've forgotten them all from school geography lessons. I know there was a cumulostratus and a cumulonimbus, and I think something about a cirrus, but I couldn't tell you what any of them look like. The only other two things I remember from school geography lessons were ox-bow lakes (which everyone remembers because we all had to draw and label them) and scree.
Anyway, I digress. Look, we saw more growing things. Buttercups. I paused here to steel myself before the slog up the slope to the bench because, to tell you the truth, I was already feeling a bit weird. I didn't know if it was just in my head or if I was genuinely feeling some side-effects from the jab (Narrator: Dear reader, she was in fact feeling certain woozy side-effects from the jab she'd been given only an hour previously.)
It was a gorgeous day, and I was actually supposed to be heading back to work, but, like I said, if I was about to be ill, I didn't want to miss out on this little bit of warm weather and blue sky.
I thought I'd just show you what the view from the bench really looks like. I usually pop on a bit of zoom and cut out the road so you can see what my eye focuses on. And in that way, it turns out that the camera is more than capable of lying because there's a big-ass road with trucks on it not twenty metres away.
And there's Freya's field, which I also usually zoom in on as well. It's so far away in real life that you can't even tell which field I'm talking about because there are several. All is never quite as it seems in life, eh? Pfft, the world and its illusions, honestly.
Behind us, Clougha Pike, also usually zoomed. So we sat for a little while, enjoying the sun and just being still. Nope, actually, I was being still and Freya was snuffling about under the bench and around the baby trees. It was nice. I could've stayed for a good while, and I wished I'd brought the flask of tea.
But I started to feel quite spaced out after a few minutes, so that would do for today. We went home where, much quicker than I expected, I succumbed to all of the nasty side-effects that lots of people have had from the AZ vaccine. All for the best though, so I ain't complaining. It was all over with a couple of days later, and I was out trimming some of that Sleeping Beauty brambly monstrosity in my front garden. Nice.
Until tomorrow, patient ones.
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