Is it properly lambing time? Is that why the sheep have all been moved to different fields, thus allowing me to set Freya free in places where I won't be able to let her off the lead for the rest of the year? I'm trying to make the most of this, but it will be lovely to see the lambs again soon.
Still winter according to the trees though, eh? No buds yet, of course. Plenty of bulbs coming up though. We've seen snowdrops and crocuses, and a few daffodils are very slowly emerging. It's coming, isn't it?!? Inevitably, the weather is definitely turning, though I would guess we'll get another frost or two before it properly starts to warm up. The winter was very short, it seemed to me. I remember posting about the nights drawing in and it getting colder, and all of a sudden, here we are, on the other side. Amazing. Although, it's entirely possible I am only aware of the changes because I now go outside. A year ago, I would've been wrapped in a blanket on the sofa, with the heating on full, doing nothing in particular. This year, totally different – I'm an outdoors person now! I never thought that would happen to me.

The return of Middle-earth, and the Shire! Awesome. I think it's been here all winter, looking splendid on the clear days, and very special in the frost and snow. I just haven't been very good at getting outside in those few hours of daylight, having most of my walks after dark, like an idiot. (I'm listening to Carousel while I type this – 'June is bustin' out all over' – that'll make ya feel nice and chipper!)
It was gorgeous to be down here again. That view just makes a person smile so wide, it really is a breathtaking one. I know it's quite little, ya know. There are more spectacular views in the world. But there's just something a bit special about this one. Maybe because it's just so beautifully framed, and it has a bit of everything. And also it leads somewhere – there's direction, which is fascinating.

But you always have to go through a little wooded area to get to it, and that's also thrilling. Mostly, for me, it's all about the smells in the woods. That's where you can smell earthy things and new growth, and not all woods smell the same. This one will smell of wild garlic soon enough. The one upriver will smell of bluebells in a few weeks. And there's also that crazy weed that I love the smell of but I shouldn't because it's an evil intruder. Obviously, I've forgotten its name, as I knew I would, because that's what I do. I learn things, then I forget them, almost instantly. No amount of repeating seems to help.

Well, so. Young miss was allowed off the lead today because there were no sheep in the field. I had brought her on the extendable lead, intending to do some recall training, but we just went for it off lead instead. And she was goooooooood! She did chase the geese, but they were more than capable of looking after themselves – or rather, honking at her and running off into the river. Geese can fly, right? I thought so. I don't know why they didn't. Perhaps they didn't see Freya as much of a threat. But anyway, the point is that she came back mid-chase when I asked her to, so that was lovely. A small victory.
After that, we mostly just messed around in the field. Freya ran and ran and ran, mostly in circles around me, and I just watched, smiling. This is still such a lovely thing for me because I've never had a dog I could set free before. Brilliant.
Can you see Ingleborough, all snowy in the distance? If you didn't know, it is officially a mountain, being higher than 2,000 ft. It's a little mountain, but it counts. We'll have to get up there one day, but neither Freya nor I are up to that kind of distance yet! I think we'll leave it a year or two.
Man, I need to get a better camera. My inability to zoom in on mountains is bugging me!
Ahhh, but let us just stop to admire the view just before sunset. Smashing. Freya sat by me while I stared – you know how I like to stare. I think I'm trying to brand things onto my memory, but it won't work. That's why I take so many photos. I don't like forgetting things. I've no idea why it matters when I can come back here any time and see this view again. But I suppose some of us are just recorders, and that's okay.
We reached a convenient stopping point, and I ummed and ahhed for a few minutes about going further. I wanted to see if Freya's recall would be as good in the woods. But she was panting quite a bit after a good old run around, and let's not forget that she's still only six months old, so I decided that would do for one day.
Don't you just love an old gate, though? I do. There's something about an old gate that's quite lovely. I have no idea why that might be. Maybe gates tell stories because they see so many people.
Spring is in the aiiiiirrrrr, in the whisper of the treeeeeeeeeeeee ...
Yes, yes I know it's supposed to be 'love', but that can sod off!
Until tomorrow, bluebells.
Linda + Freya
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