Thomas and Freya Go Skateboarding

Also before Christmas, Thomas started spending more time with us, which has been really nice. He's seventeen, and we're not cool, usually (alright, I'm not cool – James and Matthew are cool), so it was quite an honour to be graced with his presence. Thomas is very funny, and it's always very pleasant to talk to him – it's like having another adult in the house! Anyway, he asked if I would be off out for a constitutional one evening because he wanted to come with me. Naturally, I was delighted.

Thomas chose the west end of the prom. I didn't know this, but the prom is split into three zones in terms of paving. The West End area is red and smooth, allowing for scooters, skateboards and inline skates and such. The middle zone is yellow and bumpy, where scooterists and skaters have to get off or ruin their wheels and/or bearings. Then the east end is red and smooth again. 

Here's the Midland Hotel. Fancy.

And here's Thomas on his skateboard, demonstrating his impressive skillz. Unfortunately, not being a proper photographer, and also having a dog with me, I wasn't able to get any photos of his tricks. Rest assured that he did many tricks – lots of them he landed, and lots of them he did not. I wasn't really paying all that much attention to how good he was because I was just very happy to be out with my very tall son. 

You can't tell here, but he's 6'3". I've probably told you that before, but it does tickle me that I have a child that tall. And yes, I know height isn't actually an achievement, but we're a tall family and seeing who can grow the tallest is a thing in our house.

All photos from this point were blurry because Freya was going completely nuts whenever Thomas moved away from us. She adores him and likes to walk right next to him. She also likes a little go on the skateboard.

Incidentally, just to the left in this photo is the site of Frontierland, which was Morecambe's theme park until about twenty years ago. Now it's a waste ground that people break into to take drugs. Possibly. I don't know for sure because I've never broken into it. Ahh, Morecambe, with your sad little history. I wish I'd seen you in your heyday. Mind you, nowhere is in anything like its heyday at the moment, eh? Ah well. 

The thing about the iPhone 11 (this isn't an advert – I don't reach enough readers to attract the notice of Silicon Valley) is that, because it sucks in a lot of light very quickly, you can get better pictures of the stars. Here is Ursa Major, also known as the Plough, also known as the Big Dipper. 

I wonder if I could use my phone to photograph stars through a telescope. I will look into this. I haven't got a telescope, but that's not to say I couldn't get one.

Okay, I've Googled that – dead easy to do. Don't hold your breath because I'll probably forget, but I could definitely use my phone to take amazing cosmos pictures. I've written it down to remind myself, but I'll probably lose the piece of paper.

Well, so, lovely walk with Thomas. He was fun and happy, which was glorious to see because teenagers are not always so nice.

Until tomorrow, supernovas.

