It's quite difficult to socialise a puppy at the moment because you can't take them visiting, so you have to let them meet people outside. But the people you meet outside have to stay at a bit of a distance, so that's quite tricky as well. We're managing quite well though. Yesterday, Matthew and I needed to go into town, so we decided to take Freya with us. I saw 'we decided', but Matthew didn't really want her to come with us because he doesn't like going in shops on his own; I had to overrule him though because she needed to see what it was like in a busy place.
We parked on the roof, as I call it – a nifty little car park, situated on top of what used to be Lancaster market but is now a Primark, sadly. I like parking here because of the view. This is the view to the southeast-ish.
And this is the view to the west-ish. You can see the castle – Freya liked it and asked if we could go and see it properly. I said we could another time. She liked the quaint little buildings and higgledy-piggledy rooftops as well. You can see how it would have been possible for my grandad Wilf to do parkour back in the day, which I've told you about before.

That was it for the photos. We were busy in town, and Freya got so much fuss that I didn't even think about whipping my phone out to take pictures of her sniffing doorways and what have you. It was delightful. People did stay distanced from me and Matthew, but not so from Freya, and I let her walk on a long lead so people could stroke her if they wanted to – and they did, in their tens. Mostly nice ladies, but also some children, and a couple of big blokes. She was beautifully behaved, and gave several people kisses. She didn't jump up at anyone, and she only barked at one person – but they looked quite shifty, so I wasn't bothered. One man looked at her like he wanted to snatch her from me, and he also asked how much I paid for her. I was brought up to have nice manners, so I didn't tell him with my words to piss off, though I did with my eyes. He obliged. But apart from that, it was all delightful!
Matthew and I bought toasties for lunch, and we sat on the museum steps to eat them. Freya didn't try to steal our food. She just sat here very nicely and waited for us to finish, quite happy to watch the seagulls and pigeons for a few minutes.
She started to lag behind when we moved off again, definitely tired out by all the excitement and overstimulation, so we went home. We'd got what we came for anyway – decorations for our new Christmas tree. It didn't occur to me as we were putting the tree up and decorating it half an hour later that it was still November. One of those collective feelings again – everyone seems to be doing Christmas early, and I've accidentally been caught up in the jollity. I don't mind. Here's our tree:
It's a chavvy black one, with pink, rose gold and silver decorations. The colours were Thomas's idea, and since I have no taste, I agreed to go with the flow. Fortunately, it doesn't look anywhere near as chavvy as I expected, so that's nice. And fairy lights of any colour make me happy. It'll do.
Until tomorrow, twinklies.
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