It's tricky to think of places to go when we can't go far. I didn't fancy getting in the car this evening though, so I tried to think of somewhere near my house where we could find just a tiny bit of variety. Walking round the little block is what we do every morning, so we don't want to do that in the evening as well. Or I don't – I don't think Freya cares one way or the other.
I remembered that there's a street on a hill, and I thought that would be just fine. It's just more houses and pavements, but it's a small challenge for the weak of stamina, like me, and I also wanted to see what Freya would make of it. I guessed she wouldn't even notice she was walking up hill, and I was right.
She did notice what I think was a palm frond. We do have some palm trees in the UK. It definitely wasn't a stick – she hasn't seen a stick yet. Anyway, she carried the palm frond for a few yards, until she saw a different leaf to chase. Whenever she catches one, she keeps hold of it as if it's a special thing that she needs to take home and treasure forever. Until she sees the next one. So fickle.
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