A Hill? No Problem

It's tricky to think of places to go when we can't go far. I didn't fancy getting in the car this evening though, so I tried to think of somewhere near my house where we could find just a tiny bit of variety. Walking round the little block is what we do every morning, so we don't want to do that in the evening as well. Or I don't – I don't think Freya cares one way or the other.

I remembered that there's a street on a hill, and I thought that would be just fine. It's just more houses and pavements, but it's a small challenge for the weak of stamina, like me, and I also wanted to see what Freya would make of it. I guessed she wouldn't even notice she was walking up hill, and I was right. 

She did notice what I think was a palm frond. We do have some palm trees in the UK. It definitely wasn't a stick – she hasn't seen a stick yet. Anyway, she carried the palm frond for a few yards, until she saw a different leaf to chase. Whenever she catches one, she keeps hold of it as if it's a special thing that she needs to take home and treasure forever. Until she sees the next one. So fickle.

But goodness, it's really quite warm tonight, isn't it? I was a bit sweaty when we got to the top of the hill, and it was lovely to just stand for a minute and enjoy the breeze and the view. Ahhhhh, breathe. Nice. Freya sat still and sniffed the air. She's very calm. 

Even when she sees another dog. She sniffs and is curious, but quite calm. You can't see the Great Dane in the photo because it's a blurry shot, and the dog's human is in the way. But we met this Great Dane this evening, and a lovely gentle young man, he was. He was more nervous of Freya than she was of him. His human was very nice too, and I'm sure we'll see them both again lots. I suppose we'll make dog friends now, which is not something I'd really thought about. Lovely.

Freya did that thing again when we were in sniffing distance of our street. She tries to pull me home as soon as she smells it. I think this is probably quite good for me as it makes me walk faster, but I also need to train her out of this because she'll end up pulling me over when she's very big. That just won't do.   

Until tomorrow, pups.

